And so, with Changing Patterns the Story of the Haworth Trilogy continues: Sequel to Pattern of Shadows and the book before Living in the Shadows. #Excerpt #weekendRead #Promotion #Novelines #Honno

Originally posted on Judith Barrow:
Although all three of the books in the Haworth trilogy are based on the same family, they are also stand alone. And yet, to be completely honest, I do need to add this from one of the reviewers… “This is the part where I’m supposed to tell you that each…

Qui custodiet ipsos custodes

A funny thing happened to me on the way to writing my latest book, Bethulia. It’s a book in which, just for once, I feature a police investigation, and the opening sequence of that section portrays a young female police detective being treated disparagingly by a male senior officer, who exhibits decidedly misogynistic and racistContinue reading “Qui custodiet ipsos custodes”

Bethulia: The Master and the Mouse

My latest book, Bethulia, follows the story of several women, but they all revolve around a man, Simon Delaney. There are two things you need to know about Simon Delaney. a) he’s good-looking and b) he’s the bad guy. This is not a serious spoiler, because I think it’s fairly obvious to the reader fromContinue reading “Bethulia: The Master and the Mouse”

Bethulia: out now.

Well, here it is. Bethulia is officially launched today. My tenth novel – tenth published, that is, though probably my thirtieth in all. I’m venturing into new territory with this one. I mean geographical territory. I have set my previous books in West Wales, mostly north Pembrokeshire, where I live, and in Lyford which isContinue reading “Bethulia: out now.”

Bethulia: Truly Unreliable.

In my first published novel, A Time For Silence, there are two parallel stories. One follows Sarah as she investigates the mystery of her grandparents. The other is the story of her grandmother Gwen. The first is littered with confusion, as Sarah misunderstands just about everything that she discovers. The second is the truth, asContinue reading “Bethulia: Truly Unreliable.”

My Review of Bethulia by Thorne Moore #TuesdayBookBlog #DiamondPress

Originally posted on Judith Barrow:
I have read all of Thorne Moore’s books, so far, and I can honestly say this is one author who can turn her hand to any genre. From her days when she was published with Honno and her domestic noir stories such as: Motherlove, to being published by Lume and…

Publishing Soon: Bethulia and the art of detection.

It’s a new year so it must be time for a new book. I don’t really stick to specific genres, since I’ve written historical fiction, futuristic science fiction, family sagas and domestic noir. I am not really sure if my latest book, Bethulia, adds another genre of detective crime, or if, like everything else I’veContinue reading “Publishing Soon: Bethulia and the art of detection.”

Away in a Manger – Thorne Moore

Originally posted on Crime Cymru:
Our final Christmas short story of 2022 comes from Crime Cymru’s Thorne Moore. If I might say so, it’s an excellent example of drawing the reader into an emotional attachment with the central character. Away in a Manger – Thorne Moore So he says ‘That’s pretty impressive, lad,’ and he…