By The Book. The End

BY THE BOOK, the third instalment of my  Science Fiction trilogy, SALVAGE, is out today. Yippee. When I say Science Fiction, I mean it’s set in the future, in about 250 years, and it’s set in Space, mostly, but other than that it is like all my books, sci-fi, crime or historical, about people findingContinue reading “By The Book. The End”

By The Book, Kings and Angels

In a previous post, I offered thoughts about various artistic representations of Judith and Holofernes (or at least his head), because it related to my last book, BETHULIA. If you want to know how, read the book. Having set the precedent, I am taking the opportunity to waffle about another work of art: The WiltonContinue reading “By The Book, Kings and Angels”

New Book, Old Series: BY THE BOOK

So, I write crime fiction, and I write historical fiction and sometimes I revert to my first love, Science Fiction, which returned to the surface of my consciousness thanks to Covid 19 and the Lockdown. Fed up with everything grinding a halt, with no obvious light on the horizon, I dug out a trilogy, SALVAGE,Continue reading “New Book, Old Series: BY THE BOOK”

Bad Hair Day for Holofernes

The great thing about the Bible, for artists of the past, was that it gave them a whole host of excuses to depict war, murder, pillage, rape, and a great deal of naked flesh, without risk of censure. Or mostly without censure. Michelangelo had a field day, but a few fig leaves were added later.Continue reading “Bad Hair Day for Holofernes”

Qui custodiet ipsos custodes

A funny thing happened to me on the way to writing my latest book, Bethulia. It’s a book in which, just for once, I feature a police investigation, and the opening sequence of that section portrays a young female police detective being treated disparagingly by a male senior officer, who exhibits decidedly misogynistic and racistContinue reading “Qui custodiet ipsos custodes”

Bethulia: The Master and the Mouse

My latest book, Bethulia, follows the story of several women, but they all revolve around a man, Simon Delaney. There are two things you need to know about Simon Delaney. a) he’s good-looking and b) he’s the bad guy. This is not a serious spoiler, because I think it’s fairly obvious to the reader fromContinue reading “Bethulia: The Master and the Mouse”